<華姨問事精華> 乙亥日/丁卯月

Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 6:48 PM

Subject: Can I ask some questions?


I am now in Australia. My name is Ann and I feel so glad that I couldsee your articles. I really want to know something about love cos although I have quite a bit of boys come up to me, still I don't know why it were never last long. Even though I have tried my best! I want to know how's my love life in future. Can you please give me some suggestion of what do I need to do?

Hope to hearing from you! regard,



時  日  月  年

壬  乙  辛  丙

午  亥  卯  辰









祝你 平安順遂!


Dear aunt wai,


Thank you so much for your reply! I am so happy to hear that! I still have a question want to ask you. I am wondering if I could guaduate or not? It is because what I feel from now is no matter how I try hard still I can't really get what I want. It seems like strained and hardly move! I really hope I could get this degree and guaduated from Uni! what about my future careers? Can I be a business woman or what?


My date of birth: 24/3/76 (western's calender) 12:18p.m  birth place: Hong Kong


thank you so much!!!


妳所出生的「乙亥」日原本就是讀書料子,可惜大運走「財運」,就是玩樂享受的運,使妳使不出力來讀書,真的很可惜!尤其這98-99年更是無法專心讀書,我想告訴妳,8月8日後將是妳重回書本懷抱的時候,所以這兩個月沒什麼重要考試的話就盡情去玩玩;若是月底有大考關係到升學的話,那妳就要趕緊去找一個安靜,沒有電話的地方,好好加緊用功,最後衝刺,希望拿個較好成績,以便 8/8 日後可以發揮的較好,記住,一定要聽阿姨的話,因為27歲以後會有很好的運程,這個運程重點在「知識」方面,譬如教書或祕書文書企劃等工作,這些都需要很好的「學識」喔!




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